Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Politics and Versailles..Good Luck to Mr. Pete Monroe

I drove by the quinessential political hangout this morning on my way back to the office only to find a huge rental RV with an enormous sign painted on its side about Pete Monroe for US Senate waiting to head East on Calle Ocho.

Who is this guy I thought? I am pretty much in tune with local and state politics. Turns out Mr. Monroe from Safety Harbor (Somewhere near Tampa) is probably trying to get some free pub with the old school Miami Exile community. Wonder if he likes his cortadito claro o oscuro? Bet he practiced his Spanish...

Truth be told, the guy is probably one hell of a nice guy and the fact that he served on Reagan's staff in D.C. only helps things for him since every old Cuban loves Reagan even though the guy never accomplished anything as far as Cuba was concerned.

You could throw a veteran experienced Democrat with impeccable credentials and a anti-castro voting record against a 22yo Publix BagBoy who runs as a Republican. The Cubans (including mis abuelos (may they rest in peace)) would vote straight party line for El Republicano without looking at one issue. Its just the way they think..

Only in Miami!!

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