Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hurricane Hysteria/Fidel Castro Dead?=The Perfect Storm

Its August here in the magic city. That mean Hurricanes. After lightly soaking the Leeward Islands, its heading right at us. At least that is what the media would have you think. Even with all this Castro stuff, you'd think they would want to relax for a while before the guy dies and miami is at a stand still for 4 days. I am getting off point here.

Anyways, I will predict hourly tropical strom updates on TV within the next 24 to 26 hours. Norcross with break out the Etch a Sketch and start drawing little figures and diagrams for days before this thing gets within striking distance. Can anyone imagine the hysteria if this storm strikes at the same time Fidel's death is announced. Its a perfect storm type scenario. Will Channel 7 send their 15k/yr reporter to a rocky seawall in the Keys with their rubber raincoat and standard issue knee high boots to fight the winds and sea spray or will they send a non-hispanic reporter to Calle Ocho to interview a bunch of people speaking broken english and drinking 47 year old bottles of champagne.

You see every cuban exile home has a bottle of cheap champagne purchased soon after their arrival many decades ago. In our house it was stored above the Avocado Green Amana Refridgerator. Its celebrate the day Fidel dies. I wonder why do this? Did they feel Miami would not have ample supplies of Cook's and Mum's? Unlike Dom or Cristal, does cheap champange get better with age?

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