Monday, August 01, 2005

Hot Hot Hot

Today is the 1st of August. Traditionally right smack in the middle of the hot sweltering heat here in this Banana Republic. In less than a week, our kids will all be back at school after a short 7 week break from the classroom. I remember a full 3 months of vacation only a decade or two ago. Enough time to fill the summer with time at the beach, the pools and plenty of time to spend time with all those relatives you never saw during the rest of the year.

Today also marks the beginning of summer high school football practices throughout the state. Those 2 a day practices where our kids risk life and limb in the oppressive heat to play the real american pastime. Those were the days...sweating pounds of sweat daily in the hot florida sun when the only fun part was fighting amongst your teammates under that white PVC tubing running along the top of the outfield chain-link fence with holes drilled in it to give each player some cool well water to refresh or better yet reduce a players’ internal body temperature by half a degree or so. Wouldn’t it be better to just put in a big baby pool where you could take a little dip? Also with the heat came the parade of sick bastards who couldn’t keep their lunches down…throwing up due to the heat and extreme exercise. Lets be honest people…these kids were drinking beer and just hanging out all summer rather than staying in shape. The wake up a few days before school starts and everyone expects them to get going doing sprints and catching passing in the Sahara.

Even the mighty Dolphins have fallen to the heat..they blamed it the catering but lets get real...these fat lineman havnt stopped eating since they got their signing bonus. You really expect them to deal with the heat when they have been hanging out with their agent on South Beach?

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