Saturday, July 30, 2005

Media Frenzy in Town

Here we are a few days past that suicide story I wrote about on Wednesday. Its been non-stop Teele on the TV. The funeral is tommorrow and its looking more and more like our hurricane coverage. "we'll be live covering blah blah blah"

For years the media covered this guy like the dirty politician he was but low and behold the guy dies and he is a martyr. The media drove him to commit suicide. Yeah...they gave him the gun so he could blow his brains out. Talk about an awkward situation...the guy was involved (allegedly) in everything from corruption, compromising sexual positions, name it. I saw a cartoon today that was hilarious. 2 headstones. The one of the left with all the good he did and the one of the right which had "the other arthur teele". Right on point if you ask me.

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